Don't Lose Heart!

Don’t Lose Heart!
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.” 2 Corinthians 4:16
So how are you doing today? Are you encouraged or discouraged? It’s most definitely been a difficult year of battling illness, loneliness, and political tensions. We have had a hard time maintaining a sense of purpose and meaning as many of our relationships and interactions have been severely disrupted. There is a lot of talk about what needs to be done to alleviate suffering; but the man made answers always seem to fall short. Our broken situations and struggles remain, and we are left alone to sort them out.
The scripture offers hope to those that look to Christ. Jesus is the One who has “suffered in all the same ways that we have, yet without sin!” He is the Promised One sent “to bruise the head of the serpent(Satan).” He has defeated the power of sin and death and He proved it by the power of His resurrection.
What does Jesus have to do with our situation? It seems that the threat of illness and death still has an impact on us. It seems that the fears of political upheaval can still be problematic; just ask the people in Kenosha, Minneapolis, and Washington D.C. Where are the signs of the blessings of Christ in this weary world? Well, you have to look closely, because Jesus kingdom has not come in completion yet. Those that trust in Him still suffer physical maladies and still battle with sin. Those that are longing for His appearing still groan under the weight of health care concerns and relationship problems. But they don’t do it alone! They continue to shoulder their responsibilities with hope in Christ and the internal renewal of the Holy Spirit. “His Spirit witnesses with their spirit that they are children of God.”
Do you have this kind of hope that brings an internal encouragement from the Lord even as you struggle with outward circumstances and weaknesses of the body? Have you repented of sin and called on the name of Christ for your salvation? He draws near to those who humble themselves. He hears the prayers of those who stop trying to establish their own righteousness and instead trust completely in the finished work of Christ! Won’t you come to Him today for that spiritual refreshment? Those that come to Him will never be turned away.
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